As we begin this journey through God’s heart for the nations, it’s important to start at the very beginning—when God created humanity. From the dust of the earth, God formed the first man, Adam, and breathed His life into him. Humanity wasn’t created randomly, but with purpose and love, reflecting the image of the Creator. God’s plan from the start was for His people to fill the earth, spreading His goodness and glory to every place in the world. As we explore this week’s study, think about how you and your family fit into this beautiful design—created to reflect God’s heart and take part in His mission to bless all nations.
Key Scripture Verses
Genesis 1:26 – “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’”
This verse shows that humans were made uniquely in the image of God, with the special responsibility to reflect His character and rule the earth with wisdom and care.
Genesis 1:28 – “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.’”
God’s command for humanity to multiply and fill the earth reveals His desire for His image to spread throughout the entire earth..
Main Insights
Created in God’s Image: Every person, from the very beginning, is made in God’s image. This means that we are reflections of His creativity, love, and purpose. Just as God is a God of relationship, we too are created for relationships—with Him, with others, and with creation.
Called to Multiply and Fill the Earth: God’s purpose for humanity was always global. He didn’t just want one nation or people to know Him—He wanted His glory to spread across the earth through His image-bearers.
Part of God’s Mission: We, too, are called to be part of God’s mission. The way we live—how we treat others, care for creation, and share the love of God—shows the world who God is. We can help spread His glory through our everyday actions.
Discussion Questions
1. What does it mean to you that you are created in the image of God? 2. How do you see God’s creativity and love reflected in the world around you? 3. How can our family live in a way that reflects God’s goodness to others?
God created us with a purpose: to reflect His image and fill the earth with His glory. As we think about our role in God’s big plan, let’s remember that we were made to spread His glory across the world. This week, consider how your family can reflect God’s heart to those around you.
Related Activities for Kids (Ages 3-8)
1. Mirror Activity: Look in a mirror and explain that just as they can see their reflection in the mirror, we are created to reflect God’s image. Ask them to share ways they can reflect God’s love and glory at home or in school. 2. Creation Art: Let your child draw or paint a picture of the world, emphasizing how God created everything. Talk about how He made people to take care of the earth and fill it with His love and glory. 3. Fill the Earth: Use a large world map or globe. Point out different places and talk about how God wants His love to spread to all parts of the earth. You can “travel” to different countries and pray for them together. 4. Image-Bearer Role Play: Act out different scenarios where your child can show kindness or help others. Emphasize that they are showing others who God is by reflecting His love and care. 5. Fruitful Tree Craft: Create a tree with paper or other materials, and let your child add fruit to it. Each piece of fruit can represent a way they can help “fill the earth” with God’s goodness, such as being kind, helping someone, or praying for others.
Prayer Prompts
• Thank God for creating you in His image and for the unique way you can reflect His love. • Ask God to help your family show His grace and goodness to others. • Pray for families around the world to experience God’s love and to reflect His image where they live.
Next Steps
Ready to continue learning about God’s plan for the nations? Join us next week as we explore The Fall and God’s Promise of Redemption and discover how God’s heart for humanity remains steadfast even in the midst of sin.