The Tower of Babel and Creation of Nations

Family Bible Studies
As humanity grew and spread across the earth, people chose to pursue their own glory instead of God’s. The story of the Tower of Babel shows how God, in His wisdom, scattered the people and confused their languages, forming the nations. But even in this division, God’s heart was still to bless the nations and unite them under His love.

Key Scripture Verses

• Genesis 11:4 – “Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise, we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’”

This verse shows how the people wanted to make a name for themselves instead of glorifying God, leading to the scattering of the nations.

• Acts 17:26 – “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”

God created the nations with a purpose, and His plan for humanity involves bringing people from every nation back to Him.

Main Insights

Pride and Division: The people at Babel sought to glorify themselves rather than God. In response, God scattered them and confused their languages, forming the nations.

God’s Purpose in the Nations: Even though the nations were scattered, God’s heart remained focused on bringing them back together under His rule and blessing them.

God’s Ultimate Plan: Through Jesus, God’s plan is to unite people from every tribe and nation. The creation of nations at Babel set the stage for God’s global mission to bless and save all people.

Discussion Questions

1. Why did God scatter the people at Babel and create different languages?

2. How does the creation of nations fit into God’s plan to bless all people?

3. How can our family play a part in God’s mission to reach every nation?

Related Activities for Kids (Ages 3-8)

1. Language Exploration: Teach your kids how to say “hello” or “God loves you” in different languages. Talk about how there are many different languages because of what happened at Babel.

2. Build a Tower: Use blocks or other building materials to create a tower. As you do, talk about the people at Babel and their desire to make a name for themselves, instead of glorifying God.

3. Map of Nations: Use a world map to show your kids different countries. Talk about how God created all these nations and wants people from every country to know Him—no matter where they live or what language they speak.

4. Scattered People Game: Play a game where your kids “scatter” around the house or yard. Have them walk around close to you and then run away when you yell scatter. Afterward, talk about how God scattered the people at Babel but still has a plan for all nations.

5. Babel Art: Have your kids draw or paint a picture of a tower. Use this as an opportunity to explain why the people at Babel wanted to build the tower and how God’s plan was bigger than their own.


God’s creation of the nations at Babel is part of His grace and love for all people. His heart has always been for every tribe, language, and nation to know Him, experience His love, and glorify Him. This week, reflect on how your family can participate in God’s mission to bring the nations together under His rule and give every person the opportunity to worship at His throne.

Prayer Prompts

• Thank God for creating the nations and for His desire to bless all people.

• Ask God to help your family see ways to be part of His mission to reach every nation.

• Pray for those who are working to share God’s love with people from different nations and languages.

Next Steps and Related Posts

Eager to keep learning?

Join us next week as we dive into The Call of Abraham, where we’ll see how God’s promises to one man were meant to bless all nations.

If you missed them, here is week 1 and week 2.

Thank you for studying with us. We trust that studying God’s word and praying together is blessing you and your family!
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