Do you think of THIS at Christmas?

2024-12-26 16:25
Christmas is a time for wonder—reflecting on the miracle of God stepping into our world to save us. But what if this season isn’t just about looking back? What if it’s also a call to look forward?

The Deeper Meaning of Christmas

This year, as we worshipped, tears filled our eyes. The profound reality of God’s love echoed through the church and our hearts: Jesus left heaven, humbled Himself, and came to rescue us, opening the way for eternal life with Him.

He’s coming back again
He who is to come
Christ the Son of Man
Riding on the clouds with a crown upon His head
Oh, every eye will see Him
With the nail scars in His hands
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

The lyrics are an incredible picture of God’s promise—and our purpose.

Every Nation and Tribe

When Jesus came to earth, He set into motion God’s plan to reconcile the world to Himself. Revelation 7:9 gives us a beautiful glimpse of what’s ahead: people from every nation, tribe, and tongue worshipping before His throne.

Yet today, there are still billions who have never heard the name of Jesus. Oswald J Smith, who mobilized missionaries, notes, "We talk of the second coming; half the world has never heard of the first."

That truth inspires us as we prepare for full-time missionary aviation. Every flight Adam takes here is training for a future flight that will bring the Word of God to those in remote areas—people who might otherwise never hear the gospel.

A Challenge to Give Our Best

At the Christmas service, our pastor challenged us with a question:

“Is God getting the best of your time, talent, mind, heart, and treasures? Think of the wise men—they gave not just their finest gifts but also their time, traveling great distances and leaving behind comfort to worship the King.

Are we offering Him the best we have? He’s worthy.”

This challenge resonates deeply. Our family is not perfect or extraordinary, but we are willing to give our time and talent to spread His good news to Unreached People living in remote areas.

Will You Pray With Us?

We can’t do this alone. We need prayer for God to work through us and prepare the hearts of those we serve. Would you take a few minutes to pray for these needs?

-Pray that the people living in the remote communities we will fly to will respond to the good news of Jesus as the shepherds and wise men did that first Christmas.

-Pray for Adam and the other trainees at Compass Aviation to have safety and gain skills and expertise beyond their experience and human ability.

-Pray that God would continue to provide the funds and partners we need so that, together, we can bring the hope of Jesus to remote people groups who might not otherwise hear the hope of Jesus.

Join the Mission

Would you prayerfully consider supporting this mission? Your investment could bring the hope of Jesus to a remote community that otherwise might not hear about Him.

1. Fund flight training:
Donations are matched, doubling your impact. Click here to give. Select “one-time,” choose Adam and Brenna McCormick, add your amount, and type “flight” in the notes.

2. Become a monthly partner:
Click here to set up monthly giving and support us as we bring the hope of Jesus to the unreached. Select "monthly," choose Adam and Brenna McCormick, and add your amount.

Let’s not only rejoice in the gift we’ve received but also embrace the opportunity to share it with others.Together, we can bring the hope of Christ to the ends of the earth.

With joy,
The McCormicks